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Life decisions

I’ve been contemplating life a lot recently. Ever since the Christmas break I have been thinking about the decisions I have made, and I know people say every decision you make is meant to be, but I’m not so sure. 

Looking back, there are a few different decisions that would have made my life very different: 

1. If I hadn’t ended a relationship, I’d be married with children probably by now. Granted, I’m not even sure if I want marriage and children based on my current feelings. 

2. If I hadn't based my career choices on what was best for me and someone else, rather on only what I wanted I would probably have had a career already. Sure, I'm training to be an accountant now but that's not where I ever saw my life heading.  

There are things in my life I have zero control over but the above were two decisions I made which I think about every once in a while and wonder how my life would be if I had chosen differently at the time. 

You’ll notice I say probably because I cannot predict what would have happened in time, but I know what the possibilities were. 

These two decisions have impacted my life a lot, isn't that wild? I'm 29 and these two decisions I believe played a massive part in placing me where I am today. I will continue to wonder what may have been but I also accept what is. 

I know I won't ever meet most of my readers but I think of each of you regardless, what your story is and what decisions shaped your current life. 

Have a good weekend all

BCL says



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