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Meds free and I'm totally fine

Hi there, long time no read.

The last post I wrote was about the weaning off of my anxiety medication. I‘ve actually been off of them for a few weeks now and I must say mentally, I feel in control.

Alas, with every positive you have to throw a negative in there, you know, to balance it out. I wouldn’t say I’m suffering from insomnia but I will say trying to relax enough to fall asleep is clearly a struggle.
Right now, as we speak, I’m exhausted. I’m totally ready for bed but I cannot shut my mind off. I do eventually fall asleep but it’s not easy.
On the other hand, I will say that I’m extremely proud of myself for what I’ve come through. I am managing my stress levels very well (if I do say so myself) but (there is always a but) my body is still reacting subconsciously to the stress and I think it always will. I react physically to stress and anxiety, and this has taken place for as long as I can remember.

In conclusion, anxiety sucks, but can be overcome.

I don’t really have much inspiration right now to write anything. Content will arrive at some point, don’t you worry guys.

BCL says


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