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Cervical Screening Awareness Week - Personal update

Hi everyone, 

I hope all who read my blog are happy and healthy. As it’s cervical screening awareness week this week I thought I’d update you all on my journey. My previous post confirmed I had been diagnosed with CIN2 and the doctors had advised I do conservative management. I went along with this, until 9 months in, it was confirmed I had not shifted my CIN2. The conservative management is for a 2 year period so therefore on my last colposcopy, the nurse advised I get the treatment to remove the abnormal cells. I was more than happy with this as, not only does it give me peace of mind the cells cannot get any worse but I also felt if there was not an improvement by 9 months, this was not a good sign. 

Fast forward to 27th May when my LLETZ procedure took place. The nurses were lovely, the procedure was horrendous, (I’m not going to sugar-coat it for you, it was awful), and I’m in recovery. 

Last weekend, unlucky for me, I experienced a uncommon complication from the procedure. I won’t go into too much detail but I needed hospital care and antibiotics. This was one of the scariest days of my life but yet, I’m still happy that I had the treatment. It’s been a week since then and I’m on the mend. 

If I had not gone to my cervical screening in September 2020 my CIN2 would have not been caught, and it would have progressed into CIN3. After CIN3 you’re looking at progression into cervical cancer in the future, if left untreated. 

Yes, the procedure was awful, yes I had a complication but I would never miss a cervical screening or smear appointment. It’s too important, you cannot see your cervix, you cannot feel any change to it. I’ve hopefully come to the end of my journey but this is unclear until my next smear in October. 

Please, please, please always go to your cervical screening or smear appointments no matter what. Yes, experiencing what I have is not ideal but at least I’m safe from cervical cancer for now. 

Thank you & take care of yourselves 

BCL says 


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