Hi everyone, I hope all who read my blog are happy and healthy. As it’s cervical screening awareness week this week I thought I’d update you all on my journey. My previous post confirmed I had been diagnosed with CIN2 and the doctors had advised I do conservative management. I went along with this, until 9 months in, it was confirmed I had not shifted my CIN2. The conservative management is for a 2 year period so therefore on my last colposcopy, the nurse advised I get the treatment to remove the abnormal cells. I was more than happy with this as, not only does it give me peace of mind the cells cannot get any worse but I also felt if there was not an improvement by 9 months, this was not a good sign. Fast forward to 27th May when my LLETZ procedure took place. The nurses were lovely, the procedure was horrendous, (I’m not going to sugar-coat it for you, it was awful), and I’m in recovery. Last weekend, unlucky for me, I experienced a uncommon complication from the pro...